Billiet, Vander Beken & Rousseau ea, 2009

Carole M. Billiet, Tom Vander Beken, Sandra Rousseau, Annelies Balcaen, Roel Meeus, Karel Styns, Geert De Meyer & Luc Lavrysen, Milieucriminaliteit: feiten omtrent bestraffing [Environmental crime: facts about punishment], Panopticon 2009/03, 69-75

The cornerstone of the Environmental Lawforce research project (2007-2011) is a database covering the whole sanctioning trajectory within both the criminal and the administrative track (from notice of violation to the execution of sanctions, thus encompassing, amongst other  decisions, the discretionary dismissal decision, the transaction/settlement offer and the decision to impose one or more sanctions).  This article focuses on this database, which is file based (no aggregate data). It offers a first view on the research possibilities it offers, presenting descriptive statistics regarding the sanctioning practice in Flemish criminal courts and the Brussels fining administration. The focus lays on criminal prison sentences and fines and administrative fines.

Full publication (Dutch) here.