Billiet & Meeus, 2010

Carole M. Billiet & Roel Meeus, Europese verordeningen en de handhaver. De sanctieregelingen van milieuverordeningen in het licht van de handhavingspraktijk [EU regulations and enforcement actors. The sanctioning provisions for environmental regulations through the lens of enforcement practice], Tijdschrift voor Milieurecht 2010, 164-202

This article aims to lend support to the enforcement of EU environmental regulations by practitioners: prosecutors, criminal judges, environmental inspection agencies and other administrative organs with sanctioning powers. It gives information on EU regulations as a legislative instrument, EU requirements with regard to the enforcement of EU regulations, the content and evolution through time of the EU environmental regulations and the sanctions for breaches of those regulations provided at the regional (Flemish) and the federal level. The research also identifies the gaps in that regional and federal enforcement legislation, where sanctions are incomplete or entirely lacking. The analysis ends with some legislative-technical recommendations.
Full publication (Dutch) here.