Billiet, Rousseau, Balcaen ea, 2009a

Carole M. Billiet, Sandra Rousseau, Annelies Balcaen, Roel Meeus, Karel Styns, Geert De Meyer, Tom Vander Beken & Luc Lavrysen, Milieucriminaliteit in handen van strafrechters en beboetingsambtenaren: feiten uit Vlaanderen en Brussel [Environmental crime as handled by criminal courts and fining administrations: facts from Flanders and Brussels], Milieu en Recht 2009/06, 342-349

In Belgium environmental law enforcement is on the agenda of legislators and policy makers since some decades. Knowledge on the working of the sanctioning tool kit in practice, nonetheless remains strikingly fragmented and rare. In this article we present the first results of empirical research on environmental law enforcement in the judicial district of the Court of Appeal of Ghent (criminal environmental jurisdiction) and in the Brussels Capital Region (administrative fines in environmental cases).

Full publication (Dutch) here.