Billiet & Meeus, 2009

Carole M. Billiet & Roel Meeus, Europese verordeningen als wetgevingsvraagstuk: het voorbeeld van de milieuverordeningen [EU Regulations as a legislative issue: the example of the environmental regulations], Tijdschrift voor Wetgeving 2009/4, 278-306

This article concerns the legislative requirements EU Member States meet with regard to the enforcement of EU regulations and more specifically with regard to their sanctioning. We build upon previous research concerning EU environmental regulations and use it as a case study to illustrate some difficulties and possibilities legislators face while implementing their obligations. Starting from our case study we discuss (a) the rules on the implementation of EU regulations regarding their sanctioning, (b) the way EU regulations appear and evolve and its impact on legislative work, (c) the legislative techniques to implement EU regulations with regard to sanctions, (d) the advantages and disadvantages of the different possibilities in this matter, (e) mistakes that can be made, and (f) the care for sanctioning provisions that are workable in practice, … All subjects relevant for every policy domain where the EU legislator proceeds by means of regulations. The aim is to give technical-legislative support to legislators for a correct implementation of their task.

Full publication (Dutch) here.