Meeus, 2008a

Roel Meeus, Specifieke sanctieverplichtingen in het Europees milieurecht: een zorg voor onze wetgever en handhavers? [Specific sanctioning duties in EU environmental law: a concern for our legislator and law enforcers?], Milieu en Recht 2008, 478-494

In this article, Roel Meeus discusses the specific sanctioning duties stipulated in European environmental law and their implications for the EU Member States’ environmental legislators and environmental law enforcers with sanctioning competences. Specific sanctioning duties are provisions in environmental directives and regulations in which the European legislator determined, to a greater or lesser extent, which sanctions Member States should provide for infringements on the rules set out by the directive or regulation. All European environmental legislation aiming to prevent, reduce and control pollution and hindrance is screened for such sanctioning duties. The specific sanctioning duties identified were classified into five different types allowing further analysis.

Full publication (Dutch) here.