Meeus, 2011b

Roel Meeus, Een toekomst voor de transactie als sanctioneringsinstrument in het milieurecht? Lessen uit de praktijk in België en Nederland [A future for the transaction as sanctioning tool for environmental law? Lessons learned in Belgium and The Netherlands], Tijdschrift voor Milieurecht 2011/4, 325-345

This paper analyzes the potential of the transaction offer as a sanctioning tool for environmental offences in the criminal and administrative sanctioning tracks. To that end, previous and own empirical research on transaction practice regarding environmental offences in both the criminal (Belgium) and the administrative (Netherlands) enforcement tracks is studied. The author finds that in both enforcement tracks the transaction shows more or less the same strengths and weaknesses as a sanctioning tool. He also reflects about the future of the tool in the light of new or forthcoming criminal and administrative sanctions in Belgian and Dutch environmental enforcement law.

Full publication (Dutch) here.